We believe in the power of life affirming celebratory encounters as a catalyst for
change. Dance is our medicine, and the motivation in making Radiate Light clothing.
We strive to make fun and functional wares for the dance floor and beyond.
Birthing itself in 2000 as a jewelry and clothing business, Radiate Light is an ever
evolving cross cultural clothing project inspired by the rituals of the global festival culture
emerging here on planet earth. Tapping into the ecstatic vibrations created on the dance
floors, we feel love, harmony, balance, community, gratitude and inspiration to create
and share these wares ~ Nature, shamanic journeys, ancient symbols, and crop circles
all contribute to the imagery content on Radiate Light clothing.

Producing our wares has been and continues to be a humbling and rewarding
experience on many levels. The past fourteen years we have worked with the same
families in Bali Indonesia and Thailand to produce our wares. We are deeply
appreciative for their hard work, patience, and all the light they have shared in the
process of designing and producing what so many continue to enjoy. As we all grow
and develop our techniques, we look forward to many more successful and harmonious
seasons of producing wares together.

Radiate Light clothing follows the guidelines set by the Fair Trade association and
continues to explore sustainable materials and ecological production techniques.
Thanks for checking us out. Your Dance of Life is our best gift. We are honored to take
part in this paradigm shift with alloveyou.

In Lak’ech
Please sign the email list to stay connected via seasonal updates of our festival
schedule. Check our website and social media pages again as we continue to build
them out and share more information. We hope to see you at a powerful event soon.

Radiate Light ~ Fly Free